Harmony & Wellbeing
Since childhood, Patrick has always known and sensed how to help people.
Profound personal experiences showed him how much there is around us and how our perceptions of life and the world can be limiting.
He has never stopped pursuing and needing to seek a deeper experience and internal harmony to harmonise/transform people’s perceptions, limits and beliefs.
This led to “VDE – Vision in Dimensions Extended”: a spontaneous experience of internal harmony which some also call “Healing”.
Harmonisation manifests from the inside out and is the method by which we let go of the limitations acquired and created in so-called “normality”.
A natural internal harmony is already an integral part of us, deep in our essence; we just need to be able to surpass our fears, limitations or beliefs.
Sometimes these apparently insurmountable limitations are based on experiences and events of our lives or even of past lives, which affect how we live today and hold us back from expressing our full potential.
We can “work together” to harmonise these conflicts and achieve a profound alignment of soul, mind and body.